With the rapid growth of cities together with associated industries, transport system etc., the air pollution is on an Increasing trend in main cities in industrial areas. Most activities on air quality monitoring and management are concentrated in Colombo, and only few attempts have been taken to study air pollution activities in other areas where large populations our concentrated. Also, there is no system that can provide real time air quality data in the long run currently in Sri Lanka.
This project aims to close the existing gap by establishing an IoT based sensor network to monitor selected components of ambient air, which is connected to the central platform through which the authorized persons can
retrieve real time air quality data. The platform will also be a data respiratory, where air quality data records will be stored over long period of time, which will allow trend analysis and pattern recognition.
Every Breath Matter
With the rapid growth of cities together with associated industries, transport system etc., the air pollution is on an increasing trend, especially in the main cities and in industrial areas.
Sri Lanka’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions grew by 43 percent from 1990 – 2011.In 2011 Sri Lanka emitted 45 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. Annual average ambient Particulate Matter (PM)10 levels
in Colombo over the years have remained relatively stable within the 72 to 82 micrograms μg/m3 range. These values, however, consistently exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) annual guideline of 20μg/m3 for PM10.
Moreover, most activities on air quality monitoring and management are concentrated in Colombo, and only a few attempts have been taken to study air pollution activities in other areas where large populations are concentrated. Also, there is no system that can provide real-time air quality data over long periods of time.
Most activities on air quality monitoring and management are concentrated in Colombo, and only a few attempts have been taken to study air pollution activities in other areas where large populations are concentrated. Also, there is no system that can provide real-time air quality data over long periods of time.
The main aim of this project is to develop a low-cost air quality monitoring system and a data repository for Sri Lanka which will help policy makers, innovators and the general public to make informed decisions.
In addition, the IoT-based platform will be relatively cost effective than the conventional manual procedures, as this will cut down on the cost of labor, transportation, expensive equipment and maintenance of such equipment.
In order to have a wider and more flexible reach, I want to design and develope this with Mobile First Approach for more quicker accessibility and also I want this experience to live on the web, accessible on desktop, tablet, and any larger interactive screens.
In order to have a wider and more flexible reach, I want to design and develope this with Mobile First Approach for more quicker accessibility and also I want this experience to live on the web, accessible on desktop, tablet, and any larger interactive screens.